Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Aunty and Quinn

I had the privilege to care for my niece yesterday. This might become a more normal event depending on work schedules. It was fun. I love being able to spend time with my niece.

She has such an adorable smile. 

She was happy at first but had a few meltdowns later. 

Already attracted to books. 

She really liked to play with the dangling lens cap while I took pictures of her. 

Gotta love baby hands. 

Do you have any niblings (that's the word for nieces and nephews put together)?

Do you ever babysit? 
Fun times. 


  1. Aww! It's Stander! Oh, my! My niece is one cute cutie!

  2. Wow! She's adorbs! I have to say I'm slightly jealous

    1. Oh, well. I'm sure you'll get your turn. Some day.
