Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Any Time Now, Buddy

The due date is less than two weeks away. I'm feeling big and bulky and awkward. I would be ok if this little guy came soon. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Several Pictures of Life Lately

We went to Mom and Dad's house for a few days in November. 

Taliya with an apple.

Thanksgiving with friends on campus. Taliya likes playing with the Mario Cart chess pieces. 

Several "Taliya and her apple" photos. She was being very photogenic. 

Dance Party!

Sequence and hot chocolate. 

Taliya with friends from NC. 

Taliya at Mom and Dad's. She loves trying on big people's shoes. 

Lydia left some selfies on my phone...of course. 

This big Ginkgo tree in our neighborhood shed it's bright yellow leaves all over the owner's yard and onto the sidewalk. I thought it was really pretty. 

Taliya watching foorball with Jacob.

A beautiful, bright flower on a very cold day. 

Taliya all bundled up on that same very cold day. 

More Jacob and Taliya watching football together.