Friday, March 27, 2020

An Unexpected Goodbye

Yesterday I hugged two dear friends goodbye. One of them was an old house mate from freshman year, and the other was her husband.

Leuxie and Sam have been such a blessing to me, and when I made plans to move back here, I looked forward to many more adventures and good times with them. Thankfully in the last month or so, the Lord has blessed us to be able to spend quality time together. From the conversations Leuxie and I shared in my living room to the trip into nowhere and last night's final farewell, it has been a good time.

The problem is that they weren't supposed to leave so soon, at least it wasn't expected. Yet God has a plan and had a plan before the foundation of the world, and sometimes early goodbyes are a part of His plan. We'll miss each other as friends, but we also know that someday we won't have to say goodbye anymore.

It's times like these that remind me once again how much I should cherish every moment I get with someone. you never know when someone will be snatched from your life. I think losing a brother has done that for me. Once you lose someone so close and so dear, you realize how wonderful life is and how precious friendships and relationships are.

So, we hug each other close and say goodbye until one day we all say hello again, standing in the presence of our King.

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