Thursday, November 14, 2019

...And in the Rain

This post correlates with what I wrote two posts ago.

So, in the calm, I have learned to walk with my God, but when the beating cold rains of life come pouring down, I must pull in close to His bosom. In those rough times when  it's dark and cold and lonesome, He becomes my only comfort.

You see, in the calm, I run with Him happy. In the rain, though I may be sad, depressed, or lonely, I am forced to press into Him more closely. I think that is why the hard times in life are sometimes the dearest to me. Maybe in the moment I wish to be out of it, but later when all is well, I look back with fond memories.

Many of the worst times in my life proved to be the best.

I wonder if there's something to this: You know how rain can sometimes be kind of depressing? Well, I personally like rain, but even I can sometimes be more gloomy when it's a cold, rainy, dreary day. However, when it rains, the earth is nourished. It rests under the rain and gloom, and then the sun comes out and so do all the buds. The landscape is full of green. Maybe that is how it is with life. The bad days are for resting  and waiting and soaking in. And then the good days come again, and we grow more.

So, in the rain I will love God and walk with Him.

Let the rain fall.

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