Friday, February 1, 2019

Women of Truth and Love

Today I'd like to introduce each of my house mates to you. They are all women of the Lord with a strong desire to please and honor Him. It has been a great blessing being able to live with them and get to know them for the past three weeks. It seems like I have know them for so much longer than just three weeks! Wow!

And the lighting is terrible, so enjoy. Anyway, these are my house mates: Ellie, Josie, Brei, and Christina. 

More terrible pictures.

First, Ellie. She smiles a lot and smiles big. She can be quiet in social settings but very humorous at home. She struggles with different things, but she's willing to come out and say she's struggling and ask for prayer. She's generous with her food, books, and time. And she grinds coffee beans every morning. I am very thankful for Ellie. 

Josie has a wonderful smile hidden behind her sometimes solemn-looking face. She has an awesome voice that is full of meaning, but then she'll brake out into a most delightful laugh. She says how she is really feeling about something and wants to please God in her life. She is honest and genuine. I am blessed to know Josie. 

Brei has a brilliant smile and her laugh is absolutely contagious. She is very sympathetic towards the needs of others. She has a love for God and His Word and loves to pray. She is meaningful and honest in how she is doing. She is also part Romanian, so of course, I was delighted to be in her house. She's had a rough life, but God has done amazing things in her and continues to work and use her for His glory. I am grateful for Brei. 

Finally, Christina. She often flashes a big smile my way. She love the Lord and has a wonderful child-like joy that permeates the house and pretty much wherever she goes. The other day she commented that I am her southern sister. That about sums it up. We have so much fun together, and she brings so much joy and laughter into my life. She is honest, cheerful, and smart. I am happy to live with Christina. 

So, there they are, four beautiful, lovely women who I get to live with. God knew what was best for me and where I needed to be this semester. 


  1. I am so happy for you! What a gift from God to live with such godly women who desire God above all else! That is truly the root and foundation of great relationships!

    1. Yes, it is, and I'm blessed with 4 such women.
