Friday, February 8, 2019

White House Tea

I had the great idea to host another tea party at the White House as I had done a year and a half ago here. It actually turned out to be a pretty good success this year, with lots of guys showing up. Sadly, this was the first tea party for some of them, but I hope it was not their last. 

Lots of food and crowding around the dining room table. I absolutely love it. 

The smell of home made chai and Good Cake filled the air, and the voices of freshmen, sophomores, seniors, and alumni mingled together. I also love that: bringing the many classes together to talk, eat, and enjoy company. 

The twins who are totally not twins. 

John and Scott I'm sure discussing some deep thing. 

Abby, Leuxie, and Jessica. 

Crocheting, discussing, and working. Colton, the guy on the right, was only there in order to work on our failing radiators and boiler. 

Singing commenced. One of my all-time favorites. 

Christina, Elliot, Tyler, and Daniel seem to be amusing themselves with something, while John stands in the background, Justus plays the piano, and Jack looks on. 

What a good day. I hope it won't be long before we get to do this again.