Monday, February 11, 2019

Just Weird

Sometimes I am just weird. I don't know how else to describe it. I guess these pictures will have to describe it for you. 

Ever feel like a bat? Probably not, but I guess I did. 

Ever had Pocky sticks? 

They're little biscuit strips with a coating of, in this case, cookies'n'cream stuff. They come from Thailand and I bought them at the Korean market in town. Fun and smelly place to shop. 

I also experimented late one night with the flash. I put a blue blanket in front of the flash, and ta-da, I turned blue myself. Wow!

Yes, just a glimpse into some of my weirdness. 
What is a weird or unusual thing about you?


  1. Hanging upside down off your bunk bed! This is why I worry about you!

    1. I know, seriously. Probably good reason to worry. Haha!
