Monday, April 6, 2020

The Chapter Ends

Tonight ends another chapter of my life: 22.

It was a good year. A year full of trials and blessings, old friends and new, crying and laughing, parties and lonely nights, snow and warmth, sunshine and rain, running and surgery, trips and missed trips, saying yes and saying no, goodbyes and hellos, fun and boredom, overall--God's faithfulness. I wouldn't wish some of the things I went through on anyone, but I know in the end, for me in God's sovereign plan, they were for the best. However, there were huge blessings I wish everyone could experience.

I would say 22 was one of my best years yet.

Nothing especially dramatic happened. I didn't finally meet the perfect man, I didn't go to Romania or do half of what I might have wanted to do; but God showed Himself good over and over again as He will continue to do for the rest of my life.

So, I'm saying adieu to another year of life.

Below are some highlights from the last 12 months. Hope you enjoy! 😊 There's a LOT! But that's normal with me.

I thought this was a good picture to represent the goodbye to another year. Also, April was full of sunshine last year, too. 

Food and friends for last year's Birthday celebration. 

Some of my last memories in the White House were well spent with good friends. Oh, the days!

And flowers: always a part of my life. 

Quinn's birth was obviously a big deal. 

Cuddles with Addison were precious moments.

Time together.

Doing Psanky with Lydia. I did a lot of that this year.

The farm: I spent hours here.

I forget about things like how we got cats. That was definitely a highlight. And I worked at Caraway in the kitchen. That was such a huge part of my life, full of new friends and relationships and long conversations and memories. 

Yes, blueberry picking. Haha! Or maybe I just really like this picture. Speaking of which, I feel like I may have kind of improved my photography over this year.

Plenty of drawing happened.

And Brooke: one of the many new friends I've made since I turned 22.

Travis and Annalee's wedding was such a fun a experience to be a part of. 

More memories with family before Hannah and Tyler left for Israel.

This year was my first experience on the Virginia Creeper Trail. It was a good one. 

Some of our last times together before we said goodbye. See, there were the sad moments for sure. 

Ah, a year of dreaming big. Though, nothing really happened. 

What's a year in the life of Elisabeth without mountains? Ummm....nonexistent? 

The farm again and running, which can be fun.

Our phenomenal trip to Oregon. Of course, like any family trip, it had its own problems, but it was pretty great.

Did I ever mention that I spent probably a quarter of my time at the farm? Well, that is likely an exaggeration, but close. 

Meeko: the world's best cat, second only to Pepper or Buttercup. 

Yes, the surgery part of 22. Good times. 


The slow road to recovery, with the help of crutches...


Beautiful sunsets...


More drawing...

And more sunsets.

Yep, those were days I do not wish to repeat.

But then I walked again.

Like, really. 

But I also didn't stop drawing.


I moved back to the north.

I spent several hours with this precious little Quinn.

Made weird but delicious food. 

Oh, wait, I didn't really stop drawing. 

Hung out with friends a good bit, or just spied on them from the safety of our apartment.

Felt the sunshine again. 

Ah, and flowers 
and birds.

Well, see ya never again, 22 (unless I have kids, I guess). It's been good. 

God has been good!



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