Sunday, April 26, 2020

"Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing"

That is from 2 Corinthians 6:10.

I was feeling that today, but I couldn't remember what verse it was. So, I looked it up. I found out what verse it is, but I also found out that in 2012 John Piper preached a sermon on that passage. I read the sermon. It was an encouragement to me. I have added a link here.

"Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing"...Sermon by John Piper

It made me think how much the world needs this now. I was thinking about how amazing it is that over 9 years ago, John Piper preached this, but it is so relevant for today. God does that. Sometimes we hear or experience something, and we think, That was good but didn't necessarily hit me in particular. But then years later, God can bring it back up and we can be so encouraged by it, as if God made something at one time just for our benefit at a totally different time.