Saturday, March 2, 2019

Snowy Wonderland #500 This Year

I'm already pretty good at complaining about all the snow, so yesterday when we got another dump, I decided to hone my thanksgiving skills. So, I took a bunch of snowy pictures for your enjoyment. If you're a southerner (as most of y'all are), hopefully you can enjoy your "beloved" snow from a distance.

My goal was to make these pictures have the feel of the country. That is one thing I am particularly blessed with: I have a fair amount of trees in my city yard.


A jungle of branches

Black and White

My backyard. Notice all these trees? We also have a giant parking lot behind our house, which is great for doing car donuts after a good snow. Tyler did that last year, and I was so terrified, but then this year, I asked him to do it again. I guess I like scary thrills. 

See? You can hardly even tell we're in the city. 

This is from a squirrels perspective from our porch roof. 

Just hangin' out the winder watchin' the snow fall. 

Then of course, night came, and the street lights came on. 

"Swirling and whirling about, the snow fell in a heavenly dance."
~The Snow Girl

This morning, looking out my western window at the church. 

A crisp, blue sky. 

Sun-glistening icicles. 

Once again, a view from the snow. 

Well, I hope that was fun for you. I better get to studying. 

God is good!



  1. I love the beautiful snow pictures!

    1. Thanks. The snow is pretty; I just have to work on my attitude about it.
