Sunday, March 10, 2019

My Little Pig Nugget

Not everyone can feel blessed by being called a pig nugget, but it's a term of endearment for my little girl. This post is for her because I miss her, even though we sometimes drive each other crazy when we're together.

Lydia is pretty cool. She's 14 and usually acts quite grown up, though sometimes she has meltdowns. I do too.

She likes to sew random things. One day she just decided to sew herself a dress. I'm not sure she even had a pattern, but it actually turned out purty cute.

She reads a CRAZY amount! She's probably read more in her 14 years than I have in my 21. She's read everything from Pilgrim's Progress to Lord of the Rings, Mandie series, Laura Ingles, and a bunch of other stuff. She reads books so fast, it's unbelievable. 

Lydia likes to take pictures and videos. She'll make a drink and then take a million pictures of that drink to show how amazing it is. She also likes to do cooking and other types of tutorials. She is good at editing and making videos fun.

Lydia is a friend. She only has a few really good friends, but she makes the most of those friendships and loves hanging out with those friends. She can be shy, but she can also be hilarious. Once she feels pretty comfortable around you, watch out because her sassy side is apt to come out in bounds. In that way she's kind of like me.

Now for some pictures of my favorite little pig nugget. Sorry, there are a LOT of pictures.

She's beautiful. 
PC not me. 

She's getting tall.

She did not beat me at checkers, but I am a checker pro. Ahem. I do really love the game, but I'm not really that great. 

She likes wearing her hair in a top knot, probably because it's "cool."

Little Lady (or pretends to be on Sunday mornings).

Barefoot beam of sunshine. Home town girl for sure (when I take her to the small west side of town park).

Signature Lydia: night gown and turbanizer (and scrunched up forehead?).

Signature Lydia face. This is the pitiful face. 

She's a pretty cute sleeper. 

Serious student. 

Sometimes puts up with her obnoxious sister (fat obnoxious sister, haha! [I'm talking about me, not Bethany]). 

Likes to sit and think. 

Is an avid photographer, but I already said that. 

She made this dress, along with some help from Mom. 

I think she is flaring out her nostrils in this picture, but she still looks like a princess. 

Sisters forever. (Of course.)
PC not me. 

Looking like a model there, girl. 
PC not me. 

Now that I have boosted Lydia's self-esteem, I should probably tell you how TERRIBLE she is. I mean, Lydia is the worst sister ever. Just kidding. I don't think I need to tell you all her flaws. I'm also not sure why I needed to tell how great she is. Haha! Just kidding again. She is pretty cool, so I guess I just wanted y'all to know that. 

Happy Sunday and thank God for any sisters you have, and if you don't got none, try to get one. 

Your Friend (maybe), 