Friday, March 8, 2019


Today...I scrolled through Instagram for the first time in a month. It felt stupid and pointless. Who cares that who did what with who? Do I need to know? Is it even any of my business? Do I need to see your blurry pictures of big icicles when I can see them clear as day out my window anytime I want? Do I need to see a new picture perfect photo of you not looking like you? So many questions popped up in my mind.
This was the longest time I had been away from that particular social media since I got it, and it was totally worth it. I think, why do I not just get rid of the stinkin' thing? I like being in a world of my own; that is, I like seeing things in the moment, for what they are and how they are, as mine to see. Not everything has to be for everyone.

Today...I saw the black pavement underneath the parking lot as snow melted away. I splashed through grimy, swirling, snow water, and thought of home. I thought of splashing barefoot through a muddy path in the woods. I thought of dripping trees and a darkness that slowly settles, sneaks in on you unawares at first. I miss it. I miss RAIN, people!

Today...I played tour guide for 3 of my room mates as I showed them the sky ways. We walked a bunch, now I'm feeling it.

Today I felt the warmth of the sun on my back in the other cohort's room.

Today I felt the wind sweep hair across my face as I walked on the Stone Arch Bridge. I waved to a friend. I listened to two former class mates talk about a book they read about suicide. I ate pig slop soup, jumped a puddle, wondered about summer, watched ducks try to wade against the current (it's tough stuff, friends), and sat down to play a tuned piano.


How often I think about tomorrow or yesterday.

How often I think, why not enjoy this. "This is the day the Lord has made." Yesterday is gone, tomorrow ain't even a thing yet, so why not rejoice in the Lord and be glad in today?


  1. Amen! The reason I like instagram is to see pictures of my family that I don't get to see everyday!

    1. That is true. But family isn't always good about posting, so I end up seeing a lot of things from friends (that maybe I don't want to see).

  2. Honey! I HAVEN"T read Lord of the Rings and I don't want too!
    But thanks anyway for the sweet post!

    1. Oops that was supposed to be on another post. The one about pig nugget. Sorry!
