Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hello! Anyone There!

Hey, folks! So, I'm taking a break from my month reports to see if anyone is left. I don't have this blog to get followers or a bunch of comments, but sometimes I just wonder if anyone is still around. So, if you're reading this (you're alive), please just let me know. I'd love to hear from you, that you're alive, that you still care about my little old blog, and then you can even give me some ideas about what you like to read or see. So, drop a line, and if you have a blog, I'd love to hear about that as well.

In the meantime, enjoy a BUNCH of pictures I took today with my "new" camera Baxter.

Thanks, friends!

Indian Cheerwine

Feather Bottles

Little Shell

In the Tree

Golden Woods

My Perch

I love the view from above.

Our Abode



More gold or brass or...uh...beech leaves. 

From Above...and...

From Below (I, for one, prefer the above)

Someone left his broken down car at our house. Maybe I shall steal it. Because, you know, broken down vehicles are the best, right?

In my adventures through the woods, I came across this beautiful, lush moss. 

More Moss

When God dumps gallons of water on top of North Carolina, things turn green whether it's winter or spring. 

Sweet Gum Ball

Fantastic Moss


That's what I looked like today. 



A Handful of Rubies

Surprise! More Moss. 

And I end on a good note, a picture of some of my favorite trees. Whenever I stand under them and look up, they seem to pointing, stretching their necks to their Creator. 

Yay! I guess if you're reading this you made it thus far. Now comment! Haha! Yes, I can be slightly bossy. Just be thankful you don't have to live with me. That's also funny because probably half the people who read this either have or still do live with me. My apologies, sort of. 
OK! Good bye!!


  1. broken down things are always beautiful in His hands

    1. Yes, that is true. He makes us beautiful. Glad to hear from you (though I don't know who you are).

    2. I enjoy your blog a lot so thats why I am here. Keep reading His word everyday ;)

    3. I'm glad you like it. And, yes, I do read God's Word daily. I am in Romans now. Wow! So deep! It is so good and amazing of God to give us His own holy Word.
      Also, I think I know who you are now. ; )

  2. You are a beautiful reflection of God's glory and I am thankful for your love for God and for His beautiful creation! I do have a blog but I haven't written in a while because my daughters say I write too long of posts and so they don't read them and no one else reads them either. The funny thing is, the last post was about you, dear Elisabeth!

    1. Thanks.
      Yes, I think you should write anyway. If you've got something to say, say it.
