Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Don't Forget (Continued)

Caraway is obviously not the only place I've made friends. I have friends I have never even met in person. One day I hope to visit them. These people who have become dear to me live around the country, and some of them even live in other parts of the world.

Let's face the facts, sometimes people don't really want to keep up with you. Some people forget about you, even when you thought you were pretty good friends. What do you do in those situations? I am still trying to figure that out.

Thankfully, I haven't experienced people completely rejecting me (at least that I know of). Usually our lives just go in two different directions and we kind of lose touch. That's OK. I can live with that reality. Mom calls them "seasonal friends," and I think that is a fitting title.

Seasonal friends come into your life in a particular place and special season. I believe even some of my Caraway friends are among these. We haven't seen each other since our first summer. Sure, we were good friends while we worked together, but weren't  close enough to stay in touch. It's not as if we think badly of the other, our lives just don't run together.

Seasonal friends come and go. It's typical to have different sets of these throughout life.

However, I still like to appreciate these people, no matter how short they enter my life. I think we should learn to appreciate people more. From the cashier at the Aldi check-out, to the guy who pumps our gas in Oregon, it would do us all some good to be more thankful to God for the people He has put in our path.

May we all make a point to show more love and appreciation for people.

Don't forget the there are other people in the world besides you and your little posse.

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