Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Running Wild

Last Friday, our church had a Good Friday service. It is one of my favorite services of all time. It makes me feel the weight and sorry of Christ's death and what He has done for us. Throughout the service, the lights slowly go dimmer and dimmer until they are all out. We leave the sanctuary in silence as a dismal chime sounds.

Last year was my first experience with this. I had never felt that way, and I left sort of depressed and went home to bed. This year, once we were out of the sanctuary, people began to talk. I decided it would be good for me to stay around a bit and talk to people. I saw Seth and Zach, so we talked. I decided I was doing well, so I left. On my way from the church, I talked with a little girl who was climbing a tree. Then I talked with another lady as I crossed the street. The moon was beautiful that night.

After getting home, I sat in the living room with Brei and Christina.

Then there was a loud bang at the door.

Having not expected anyone at that hour, Christina and I both went to the door to see who it was. No trouble, it was just Jackson and Jessica. They invited us on a night walk. I was all eager. So, Christina and I set out with the young couple.

Once outside, others among our number started running across the street to join us. Scott, Jesse, Janie, Lindsey, Elise, Abby, Katia, Tristen, and a new guy, Jimmy, were all there. It was quite a nice group of friends.

It started off with Christina and I leading the way because we walk fast. Of course, Jackson complained about us walking too fast, but then, he turned it around and said we were slow. He started walking very fast, but I was not going to let him get the better of me, so I ran. He was ahead of me for a time, but I kept running, while he stopped. So, I won.

Not much longer, he challenged me to a blind walk down a bike and walking trail by the river. I started and others on the walk helped direct me. Janie and Lindsey ended up helping me a bit too much, so Jackson said I cheated. However, I beat him again.

Later, once we had crossed the river and were by St. Anthony Main, Jackson once again challenged me to a race. A race up the flight of stairs to the road above.

I won again, but that was probably due to having been a bit in front when he called the challenge. Anyway, I felt very rejuvenated. I also felt very tired. 

I am very thankful for the friends I have. I am thankful for the nearly full moon that shone so bright and beautifully in the east. I am thankful that Jesus died and rose again.

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