Monday, December 4, 2017


A butterfly. need to tell anyone that I am literally posting for the 4th time today!

Anyway, I love butterflies, and this picture shows home, summer, and butterflies all in one. 

He's missing a wing, but that's ok because I think I lost all of mine. 

Wait...I had wings?


I should go to bed where the cares won't find it easy to chase me down. 

Someone did give me a hug today, and I doubt she knew how much I needed that. 

God knew. 


  1. You should tell her how much her hug meant to you. She probably needs to hear that. ☺

    1. I should, and then maybe give her a hug too. Hugs are wonderful.

  2. Sometimes I feel like my wings are broken and I need some one to pick me up. I am glad that God, my Father, does.

  3. Reminds me of that verse that says "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms" To think, we are mortal and our strength will fail us just like that butterfly who has lost his wings yet the Lord God is eternal and offers us continual refuge and strength in the shadow of His wings. "Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice." Ps 63:7 <3

    1. I have been thinking a lot on the first verse you mentioned. I love it and it brings so much comfort.
