Wednesday, February 1, 2023

I Don't Know What to Name This Post

It's just about random stuff, but I always say "Random Stuff" or "Life" or, we even have both combined "Random Things About Life." So, I didn't want to do what I usually do, but obviously, it's all the same kind of post: random pictures of random things that don't get a special post of their own,

It is currently 20:06. Both of my people are sleeping. Since Jacob works in the night and then sometimes has classes in the morning, he ends up having to take a nap before he goes back to work. I usually go on to bed early with him, but lately I've had this stupid cough. I feel like he might not sleep well if I'm in there because it takes me awhile to settle down, and I know he was super tired today. Anyway, I didn't feel like going to bed so early anyway. 

And now for the random stuff.

Here we have a winter sunset in our backyard. I love that lots of other people in our neighborhood are blessed to have big old trees. I wish we still had ours, but I have to just appreciate all the other ones. 

It snowed again.

Taliya looking pretty in the sun.

A silly smile

Taliya was given several bows, but I don't ever put them on her because I'm afraid they'll give her bald spots. Haha! 

Snow from the backyard

Jacob didn't want his hair in the picture, so....

He had a solution. He makes me laugh. He makes me happy.

Taliya and I went for a cold walk one day.

She's such a big girl.

I'm always trying to capture pictures of her cute facial expressions. She doesn't do the monkey face as much, but I still call her Monkey Face.

One evening while we were waiting for Jacob to get done with his class, she was looking so cute. I also realized how much pink was going on there. I love it. : )

Jacib took this picture. I kind of like it. 

Taliya pretending to mop.

It's a bad picture, but I was trying to show how the planes sometimes fly right over our house and very low.

That smile is so full of cuteness.

I liked this truck parked outside our house. Jacob and I are always commenting on the trucks that come to the wholesale next door.

Good night, folks!!



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