Monday, January 24, 2022

In the Woods

Yesterday was church. We served donuts and coffee before the service. Afterwards, we went to a meeting for "working" people (I think that's kind of a vague category, but whatever). Then we went home, and I gonked out. I was quite tired, but I couldn't really sleep. Then I sat around with Jacob some as he watched football. I said I was gonna go on a walk, and he decided to join me. 

It turned out to be much more interesting than I had imagined. Jacob had so much energy. He ran up a tree, and then fell pretty soon because he grabbed a dead branch, threw sticks and stuff at an old pot in the woods, and was generally just having a lot of fun. Once in the woods, he grabbed sticks and had sword fights with everything. I remembered when I used to be a fun, energetic little girl...not so long ago. Oh, well, it gave me joy enough to see my husband so full of fun. He ran so fast ahead of me at one point, which would have made for a fun chase scene, but my fat old body was not feelin' it at that moment. 

I ate a hotdog for dinner. 

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