Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Random Things

Lately, Jacob is trying to get me to go out by myself some while he watches the kids. It's very nice to get a little break. I usually just use that time to go on a lone walk, which is so nice. One afternoon, I climbed this hill to the front "porch" of this old junior high school in our neighborhood. I had never actually done that because I usually have a stoller, and it has stairs. Its such a majestic and beautiful school. Even though it was built during the Great Depression, it still has so much more beauty than most buildings these days. 

On that same walk I also saw these pretty roses. 

I love collecting bottles, but I'm specific so that I don't clutter. I have been wanting to add a green glass to my stash, and I was very happy when I came across this little "natural remedies" bottle.

I love filling my bottles with flowers. 

I love the vibrant red of my cayenne peppers.

Jacob got me this little shirt for Christmas along with fabric paint. I finally did something with it.

First, I naturally dyed it with walnut.

Then I painted a sunflower on it. Now I'm going to give it to a friend who's having a baby very soon. 

Jacob and I just being our silly selves. 

Micah has been so cute lately. 

I had fun getting very close up to this moth to take pictures. 

It was so fun to see his little tongue sip nectar out of the flowers. 

I love how Taliya adores Jacob and likes to do whatever he's doing. 

I'm growing a Kentucky Coffee tree. I love growing stuff from seed and watching it grow. 

I guess that's it. 


  1. Micah is very irresistible! Is this school still operating? I am trying to think if I have seen it.
    Please let me know how the Kentucky coffee tree grows.

    1. Yes, the school is still in opperation.
