Friday, August 23, 2024

Grace and Faith

Two of Jacob's sisters came for a visit a couple weekends ago. We tried to cram a lot into the few days they were here. 

One thing we did was walk up to the Catholic children's home and walk around this big shindig they were having. 

All that trash was lottery tickets. It was a little weird. 

On Sunday we went to the creek, of course. 

It was cloudier and cooler that time, and I froze to bits. 

I love this picture so much. It's so refreshing. 

I love Taliya's curls. 

Jacob and Faith love playing games, and they are both so good at winning. 

The last thing we did was show the girls our city. It was a good day for it. Jacob and I have really taken Louisville as our "own," and we've grown to have a lot of city pride. We like living here and showing off the city to guests. 

Don't be deceived by the pretty reflection on the water, the Ohio River is actually the dirtiest river in the country. 

This was such an amusing mirror thing at the science center.

That's all for today, folks!



  1. Louisville as far as cities goes is a good city.
    I glad you enjoyed your time together and I glad you explained the "trash" in that photo. That was a mess! One I'm glad I did not have to clean up after...

    1. Yeah, honestly, it was a little sad to see how many people had spent money hoping to win it big. Definitely not my idea of making an honest wage.
