Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Bunch of Random Pictures

A seed tried to grow on our mat. 

Lots of Micah pictures this time. (The poor little fellow is sick with a cold right now.)

Jacob wrestles with the kids, so Taliya gets her doll and wrestles with that. It's cute to watch. She also dances with her doll. 

I LOVE clouds. 

Some big ol' pods from a tree on campus. 

I found this whiskey bottle on the sidewalk, and it fits so perfectly on my new dining room "art piece."

I love growing my own peppers.

I think I need to grow more green beans next year if I actually want enough for a dinner. 

Micah is such a big cutey. 

He's so strong. 

Everyone says this stage is hard because the baby gets into everything. He kind of does, but I like when babies can get around on their own. They tend to be more content. 

What a hunk!

I told you there were a lot of Micah pictures. 

I love it, seeing my husband being such a great dad. 

The dining room center piece. 

Little bitty toesies. 

Taliya and her new doll from my mom and dad. 

Well, both of us are sick now. Yuck. We enjoyed two months of not getting sick this year. 


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and sweet family. I hope you get well fun to be the mommy who is sick.
