Thursday, September 5, 2024

Enjoying Every Last Bit of It

I hate when summer ends. Summer is definitely my favorite season. I know a lot of people get so excited about fall, but I get a little sad because summer is just so joyful. Anyway, since I know it's going to end whether I like it or not, I really try to enjoy it. So, we go to the creek whenever we can. Last week it got quite warm again after a colder spell, so we made sure to get a dip in the creek one evening. 

I love the light shining yellow through the green leaves. I also love the reflections in the water. It's all such a peaceful place, so full of life and beauty. 

I love watching Jacob play with his kids. He's a really great dad. 

It's funny how you can miss something when you're taking a picture and then later you realize it was there. I didn't notice the bug on Micah's chest until later when I looked at the picture. 

He was in heaven in that water. So was I. I just sat there and felt the water and the sun and all the beauty, knowing that some day we won't have such a lovely park to spend summer days playing in. 

These are such intresting flowers, and they looked so pretty in the evening light. 

The relections are just perfect. 

Jacob found a flower for my hair. : )

What happy days we have in that park. I am so thankful for that place. It's a real childhood dream come true. 


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