Monday, September 9, 2024

State Fair

We went to the state fair in mid August. It was fun. 

Some of the art pieces were just amazing, like this wooden picture made from carving and painting. 

This is a close up of the texture. 

This painting was also quite beautiful. 

I also love the miniatures. This one has so much detail. 

This one wasn't that amazing, but I thought it was neat how the laundry room was in a laundry detergent container. 

I love the huge farm equipment.

While we were out there, some people were playing live country music. When they started playing "Dixie Land Delight," Jacob and I had to dance. It's kind of one of "our" songs. Taliya was dancing, too. 

This ride looked way too scary for me. Haha!

We didn't go on any rides, but it was fun to just walk around and look at all the excitement. 

This year we actually got to see the cattle. I love cows. 

Look at how massive that bull is!

I like the sheep, too. 

Some of the horses are so tall. 

We got to see some of the show horses before they went in to a show. 

Their riders were so dressed up. 

And cutey little Micah. 


  1. I love state fairs though I have not been to one in ages. And I have all those memories of when my children showed sheep there...back then. Oh, and I like miniatures too!

    1. That's cool that your own kids showed sheep at the fair. Whenever I'm around farm animals, it makes me want a farm some day.
