Friday, September 6, 2024


*Warning! This is a rare preachy post.

What's up with people not wanting kids anymore? I get it, kids can be really difficult. They also change your life. You can't do everything you want anymore. In a way, they hold you back (example: Jacob and I can't go on dates whenever we want, but there are so many things like that). 

However, God does want people to have kids, and it is kind of amazing to be able to raise your own offspring. Making new people and then loving them and eventually sending them off into the world is a pretty cool thing. 

But, for some reason, I keep seeing over and over again that young couples are just choosing to not have kids. I don't know exactly what that means (are they making permanent changes to their bodies?), but it doesn't seem right. Not only do I think they will eventually regret that discission, but I also think they're missing out. I also wonder what couples who can't have children think about those who choose to not have children. 

Obviously, in the end, it's none of my business, but I guess it's kind of weird to see the most intellectual of God's creatures not following the commandment to "be fruitful and multiply." 

Anyway, I've had a difficult year with two kids, so, on the one hand, I can sympathize with people who don't want kids. On the other hand, I also realize I am so blessed, and some day I hope we can have some more. I guess I'm sort of preaching to myself and reminding myself to not give up in the calling God has for me. 

Josiah took this picture when we were in NC. 

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