Thursday, July 27, 2023

Just Another Day

Monday, July 18th, 2022 was just another day on the calendar. I was due with Taliya the next day, but I didn't feel a thing. Nothing was different. Jacob was off work, so we hung out together, probably slept in. Then we went on a nice walk in the heat of summer, ate a giant burrito and cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory, and watched some Psych. It was a nice day. We went to bed like normal, and I suspected nothing. 

Then I woke up around 12 midnight to some cramps I hadn't really felt before. I knew something was different. After a bit I got up to figure out what was going on. A little blood, hmmmm...something certainly was different. I woke Jacob, and we tried to figure out what to do. The cramps were beginning to hurt kind of bad. After a couple hours, we decided to leave for the hospital. Almost 20 hours later, a slimey, wrinkly, purple, beautiful little Taliya was lying in my arms. 

I cried for joy when that girl popped out. After all that agonizing long labor (with no pain killers), it was such a relief to hold my dear little baby in my arms. 

Fast forward to Thursday, July 26, 2023, a little over a year later. Hannah and Tyler had given us a gift card for The Cheesecake Factory as a Christmas gift, and the time had finally come that we were ready for a date. This time, instead of a huge belly fully of a 9 month baby, we sat next to a smiling one year old who seemed to brighten everyone in the restaurant. It was a special time. 

I guess The Cheesecake Factory has become kind of special to us. We've gone once a year since we were dating. Back in 2021, someone else gave us a giftcard, and that was the first time we experienced the deliciousness of that place. We always order the same thing, one whoppin' big factory burrito. It's so big and so good, and that's probably what brought Taliya on last year. Haha!

Speaking of Taliya, I think she just woke up from her nap. 


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