Oh, yeah! Yesterday I forgot that two people in our family had a Birthday. Jesse turned 35, and Bethany turned 23. I hope they had good birthdays. Bethany has a broken wrist, and she had to go to the doctor about it yesterday, so I'm sure she's just glowing with enthusiasm. Who knows what Jesse was up to. Obviously, I'm not with either one of them, so.... Yep, birthdays are a little different than they used to be. I mean, at home we do pretty much the same stuff we always did (eat pizza, ice cream and cake, and open presents), but it's just with a lot fewer people.
Boy! I'm getting hungry again. Better go get something to eat.
On Sunday I made some chicken noodle soup because I thought it would be good for Jacob's cold (that I am getting now...woop-woop!), and there is some leftover that might be a good idea for me right now.
P.S. I feel like a 12 year-old or 10 year-old right now.