Saturday, May 25, 2019

My Niblings

One of my friends recently informed me that you can speak of your nephews and nieces in one word: niblings. Therefore, I have taken advantage and started using the word lately. We have been watching Addison a lot lately, and sometimes we take care of Quinn for a little bit. 

On Thursday I watched Addison for part of the day at Gabriel and Emily's.

His inquisitive little look.

Loungin' on the couch waitin' for Dad.

Cuddles with Aunt Lydia

Lydia's face is very funny. 

My niece Quinn.

Her little tiny mouth

It's strange going back and forth between big baby and very little baby.

Sometimes I really wish I was a mother now, but I am not. I get to be an auntie, and that is what God wants me to be for now. 

I LOVE my niblings.