Sunday, May 19, 2019

Life as I Know It

Now that school is done, I have been spending a bunch of time with the fam fam. Yesterday, we spent a greater part of the day freezing at a park for the end of the year picnic. It was good to see everyone (most everyone) before we all scatter.

Biggest news yet:
                              Priscilla and Justus finally had their baby!!

They named her Priscilla Quinn and will call her Quinn. She's adorable with a shock of black hair.

Here are some pictures of life lately.

The apple blossoms.

Bethany in the AirBNB where the fam is staying. I will be joining them tomorrow.

Lydia looking solemn. 

Lydia looking happy.

Mom and Dad standing or walking. Hard to say. 

Lydia walking through pedals. 

Blossoms of some sort. 

Two terrible pictures of an adorable little Quinn.

That's it for today, folks.