Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thanksgiving in Years Passed and for this Past Year

We have a big family, but once people start leaving, Thanksgiving becomes less crowded, which means less fun. Anyway, here are some pictures of different Thanksgivings since 2004. The picture above was from 2004.

This was 2005. We were blessed by some friends' parents who let us stay in their beach house. This was our last Thanksgiving with Micah (lower tight in chair) who died less than a month later. 

This was 2006.

In 2007 we spent Thanksgiving at our Grandma's shore house.

No family picture, but it looks like we were at the shore again. 

I think this was 2011.

By 2012, we 5 girls were the only ones left. We had a man and his son over for dinner. 

In 2013, our Grand-dad was living with us and there were only 4 girls left. 

2014 we only had 4 girls. 

Oh, my, only 3 girls left by 2015!

Happy Thanksgiving from 2016! Dad was there but I like this picture. 

With this new year, we should give God thanks for all that He has done for us in 2016. I can think of some things that I have been blessed with over the last year. First, we got a great snow near the beginning of the year and the sled ride down the hill was, as always, extraordinary. Maybe the greatest blessing from last year was in February when my first niece was born! In March we got to go to CA to see her. I was blessed to be able to help at The Gospel Coalition in June. I loved being able to serve so many people, hear great speakers, enjoy time with family, and meet new friends. In August, I finally finished high school. In October we made another trip to CA, and the whole family was together. This past year has truly been an amazing and blessed year for me. Sure, not everything has been "all bubbles," but I am abundantly grateful for God's goodness in my life. 

Besides some of the bigger highlights, there have been the things we sometimes take for granted: Dips in the creek, spring flowers, tea parties, sunsets, laughing, thunderstorms, hiking, Birthdays, the Burlington Revival, Cherokee Cove, blueberry-picking, summer bike rides, winter walks, old and new friends, and, most amazing, salvation through Jesus Christ alone. 

I look forward to God's plans for me and you in this coming year. 
God bless you all!


1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that God gave us memories. These memories are wonderful! Thanks for sharing and remembering with me! I sure miss having everyone home and I miss having Micah with us. I can't wait to see him again at the greatest feast of our Savior and His Bride, the marriage supper of the Lamb!
