Friday, May 31, 2024

Speaking of Alabama...

We went to Alabama again because Jacob had planned to run in a 10K on Memorial Day with his dad and sister and sister's boyfriend Collen. 


Taliya very invested in Readers Digest. 

He reminded me of the Bisque Man in Studio C (if you have any idea what Studio C is). 

Taliya has been afraid of water lately, so she was looking at it skeptically. 

She got in a little. 

Jacob and his dad at the race. 

The group of us (besides his mom who took this picture and the other two race pictures).

The runners and Taliya. 

An exhausted Taliya on the way back home. 

A wheat field on the way there. 

Good times!



  1. Jacob really does look like the bisque guy in that pic😂It looks like y'all had fun
