Thursday, May 16, 2024

Other Random Stuff


Micah is so big. 

A pile of ants. Yick!

I think he was done with this little ride. 

Taliya's hair is growing long and curly. 

One day, a lady handed me a bouquet of leftover flowers from a wedding. They were so pretty. It's crazy to me how much money people spend on flowers, but I certainly didn't mind getting some. 

Jacob picked me a bouquet of wild flowers, and it made me so happy. They were so cheerful. 

Micah has finally learned to roll over. It took him long enough. 

Working on another bowl. 

A lady brings home grown eggs to our school and gives them away for free. It's so nice. 

I think this is some kind of magnolia. It smells so good. 

So many smiles from this little guy. 

My bucket garden is coming up. 

Jacob on his way to one of his jobs. He's a good husband and works hard for his family. 

Blueberry pie. 

One bowl I painted. 

Micah and I got pretty sunburned after our Knoxville trip. 


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