Friday, May 31, 2024

Another Random Thought to Bore You

Dinner of Strawberries ($2 a pint I think) and storebought burgers (don't remember how much they cost, but buying the premade made more sense in this case) on homemade buns.

It seems like people love to worry and complain. For a while now, people have been complaining abour rising prices. "Prices are rising EVERY day! Freak out, every body! Make sure you hoard and be greedy!"

I guess I just get used to hearing things, and yeah some things have gone up, but then I remembered something. It's been worse than this. Honestly, I really don't think things are all that bad. Maybe they'll get a lot worse. But I remembered a time in my childhood when a gallon of milk was over $4! And that's back when we had to buy 3 or 4 gallons a week! Here in KY, milk is about $2 or less. Eggs went up dirastically and then dropped way back down. So, things go up and down. Maybe housing is more expensive, but overall, it's not as bad as it has been. 

I think KY is one of the cheaper states for food and housing, but still, I think people like to be all dramatic and doomsy day for some reason. I think we should be more thankful for just how great things are. 

One more thing, we're payed ridiculously well. You can get a fastfood job and get paid $15 on the spot! That just blows my mind. And kids just expect to get paid at least that much, even if they have no experience. I was talking to a grown man recently who said back in 2012 he hoped he could get as much as $15, and he had a college degree. 

Anyway, sorry for boring you. Maybe I just wrote this for my own sake to remember these golden days we live in. Maybe this century will repeat last century, and the '20's will end badly again, but it seems like everyone is living kind of frivolously right now and complaining about stupid stuff.

Jacob playing with relatives in his family's pool in Alabama. 

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