Friday, May 17, 2024

A Random Thought

Recently, I had a random thought about how I've lived in 4 different states in the last 4 years: Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, and now Kentucky. I feel like that's probably a good picture of what life with Jacob is going to look like. Honestly, I love adventure, so I don't really mind moving. However, sometimes it is nice to live in one place for more than one year. Haha! I figure we'll be in Kentucky for a few years, but who knows where we'll go next? I'm along for the adventure. 

Me in Minnesota right before I left.

Shortly before I left North Carolina.

Our last month in Tennessee. In less than a year, I went from single to married with a kid. : )

And, finally, our little family in Kentucky. 

Four years ago I was single as a pringle, now look at me (or should I say, us?). The point is that if you're still single and wondering when you'll EVER get married and have your own family, don't get too down. I struggled a lot with singleness, and in May of 2020, I definitely never imagined this would be my life in 4 years. It's been lots of good and bad, but overall, it's been a wonderful time. 

So, that was my random thought. 


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