Thursday, September 3, 2020

I Don't Like This

 Apparently, I don't care for change sometimes. Blogger decided to change a lot of the stuff that I see when I am making posts and such. It's all weird and obnoxious. Before, it was pretty easy to navigate, but now it looks silly. 

I guess I'll get used to it after a bit, but sometimes I do wonder, Why change? Why can't things go on the way they always were? It's like that a lot in life though, isn't it? Things do change. We might not always like it, but in the end it will be OK. 

Right now I don't like this. It messes with me, what I'm used to and all, but after a while maybe it'll be fine. 


  1. Just so you know, a lot of time you can revert back to their older layout if you don't like the new one. But you will probably also get used to the new one and it won't bother you any more. ;)

    1. Yeah, I know about the reverting back to the old one, and, yes, I will probably get used to it soon enough. I guess I just struggle with change.

  2. I quickly realized I liked the old way better and that is where I am for now. I believe there could be many lessons here if I looked a little beyond the curtain😊

    1. Yes, I'm sure you're right about lessons that can be learned.
