Saturday, January 9, 2021

Didn't Know My Abilities

*Note: I started this post a long time ago, hence the reference to foot problems. 

I went in for another post-operation appointment this morning. When my doctor/family-friend-for-about-20-years saw me hobbling in on crutches, he said, "Why aren't you walking?"

I was confused. I didn't understand from my last appointment that I was supposed to start walking. There was a bit of disappointment as I thought how much I would have loved to walk. Anyway, it's really no big deal, and I'm on the long and slightly painful road of teaching myself to walk again. I know, I've been through something like this before.

Well, the situation made me think about my life in general. I often do not know of my abilities so I shrink back and do nothing because I'm afraid of hurting myself. Thing is, God has given me His own Son. He has given me life through Him. I should be afraid of nothing. As far as my abilities go, I should believe that He has designed me for a purpose. That purpose, put simply, is to glorify Him, and He will give me the power to carry out whatever it is He wants me to do. 

So, I'm thinking about my abilities and how I can put the gifts God has given me into practice. I don't know all He has for me, but I'm excited to find out each step of the way. I don't want my fears to stop me. I want to take risks. I don't expect to live a safe, comfortable life, but I think I can live a good life if I follow God wherever He leads me.

Anyway, don't underestimate the power of God in you.

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." ~Romans 8:37

Photo by Dad