Friday, July 26, 2024

North Carolina

Our adventures in North Carolina were plenty of happiness, but all of it was damponed by the reason we were there. 

Lydia and Micah selfie.

Taliya in the woods. Even though she's grown up in the city, she prooved that she has my country blood by bravely walking barefoot all over those woods I grew up in. 

We gathered around the brothers' old fort. Some of us even began trying to fix it up. 

I love this picture of Josiah with Addison and Taliya. Josiah loves being outside and was showing the kids different nature things. 

More family adventures in the woods to find the little spring. 

We spent a day in Gabriel and Emily's town in western NC. This was at their neighbor's farm. 

At Gabriel and Emily's house. 

We split up in the afternoon. One half of the family went to a creek, while the other half stayed in town and walked around. We got dinner at this food truck that was so good. 

Our last day, back at mom and dad's. 

We played disc golf. 

We watched some adorable goat kids. 

And sheep.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, it was good to see you and your family recently. I am sorry for your loss, and we are praying for you all. Thank you for posting pictures.
