Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I'm growing zinnias again this year, and they are doing nicely. Here are some zinnia pictures you haven't seen yet. 

Today: Cozy Rainy Summer Afternoon Pictures


These are some of my favorite afternoons. We really haven't had a lot of rainy days this summer, so I made the most of it this afternoon.

A curious little boy. 

The fun part of dark afternoons is creating a warm and cozy atmosphere inside. 

Notice how I specify rainy SUMMER days. I hate rainy winter days. There's nothing more sad and gloomy than gray, dismal coldness. But, cool, lush, dark green days, dripping in watery refreshment is wonderful. 

I love seeing the warm glow of lamps inside contrast with the dim coolness outside. 

Looking inside at the orange glow of a candle. 

There's something so mezmerizing about water driping into water. 

Sometimes I look around our home and notice how messy it is, but it still feels so homy and nice. I'm glad it's not perfect. There's nothing homy about perfect. 

I took a lot of pictures of this candle, but it looked so good against the backdrop of the rainy wonderland. 

What a peaceful afternoon!

Lydia in Louisville

After the NC trip, Lydia drove back to KY with us and spent the week up here. Honestly, we didn't do a whole lot. I think we needed the calmer pace. 

Late night TV probably. 

Taliya's 2nd Birthday celebration. 

Of course, we all went to the creek while Lydia was here. 

Micah loved it. 

Jacob and I made a series of dams to create a strong, concentrated current. It was so much fun. 

The strongest part of the current was so strong, it pulled me down. 

Well, that was a nice time. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

North Carolina

Our adventures in North Carolina were plenty of happiness, but all of it was damponed by the reason we were there. 

Lydia and Micah selfie.

Taliya in the woods. Even though she's grown up in the city, she prooved that she has my country blood by bravely walking barefoot all over those woods I grew up in. 

We gathered around the brothers' old fort. Some of us even began trying to fix it up. 

I love this picture of Josiah with Addison and Taliya. Josiah loves being outside and was showing the kids different nature things. 

More family adventures in the woods to find the little spring. 

We spent a day in Gabriel and Emily's town in western NC. This was at their neighbor's farm. 

At Gabriel and Emily's house. 

We split up in the afternoon. One half of the family went to a creek, while the other half stayed in town and walked around. We got dinner at this food truck that was so good. 

Our last day, back at mom and dad's. 

We played disc golf. 

We watched some adorable goat kids. 

And sheep.