Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Card Business

 I really wanted to say "monkey business," but maybe that's because I have watched too much of "Little House" in the last several months. Anyhow, I had to make a bunch of cards in about 2 days. Fun stuff. It was fun.

Lydia's famous messy desk.

These are decent...

But then I began to lose my creativity. Oh, well. 

Also, a super random picture of my doing one of my very weird things. 

And some cookies. Did I tell you about these? They were pretty good, but they kind of reminded me of horse feed. 

I only made enough cards to sell 4 packs, but I feel proud of myself. 


  1. Wow! I think my favorite pic is you doing the cool trick. Haha I really like the walnut cards.

    1. Yeah, it's pretty cool the things I can do. ; )

      I didn't care as much for the walnut ones, but glad you liked them. I can give you a whole stack of them for Christmas. ; )
