Monday, June 1, 2020


I have this cool sister named Priscilla, and she happens to have a birthday today.

So, Happy Birthday, Priscilla!

Priscilla and I go way back. I've known her for just over 23 years, and though I have attempted to be as old as she is, I have never made it. Who cares? The great thing is that we get to be sisters. We are actually pretty different when it comes to sisters, but somehow we've been able to work through those differences and become good friends. We talk about everything, we work together, I sleep at her house when riots happen, we were even in college together. I babysit her daughter, I poke her, she pokes me, we get upset at each other, we get on each other's nerves. But in the end, she's a great pick, and I'm glad she's had the privilege to live on earth for 25 years.

Adventures in Stillwater from last year. Apparently, Priscilla and I don't take a lot of pictures together.

Yeah, definitely not. This is from almost 3 years ago. 😞

Justus and Priscilla running on the beach. Also, a long time ago. 

Obviously, Priscilla is an interesting person. 

That's it for today, folks!


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