Thursday, June 18, 2020

Just Draw

Drawing is a sort of therapy for me. When I really get into a drawing, I start to feel kind of relaxed, I guess. I don't really know how to explain it, but it seems calming to me. Drawing is also rewarding, at least, if the picture turns out good. Sometimes, I rush through something, but when I take the time to sit down and really enjoy the artwork, I find it more relaxing.

Lately, I have been working on this picture of a girl from Chad. For some time I have been interested in Chad and the need for the Gospel to be preached there. Also, drawing a dark African is a good challenge for me because drawing dark people and light people is different. I like doing things that might be harder. This has been a very enjoyable drawing for me.

I give doughnuts to a friend most weeks. One time he was late, so in the mean time, I drew him a big buck and put it on the box of doughnuts. The next time I didn't draw anything, and he complained that there was no big buck. So, the other day, I drew a shaggy little raccoon. It was very fun. I have a fascination with raccoons. I think my friend was pleased.

Anyway, yes, drawing is a good thing to do.

She's not quite done, but I like the way she is turning out for the most part. I am just drawing with a regular old Bic pen.

And the raccoon.


  1. It is undeniable that you have been given the gift of drawing. Amazing!
    Do you rush through the sketches on the doughnut boxes?
    Thank you for sharing all of this Elisabeth. And by the way, I miss you!

    1. Oh, thank you!
      I do tend to rush through the doughnut box sketches; just a little something to bring a smile to someone's face.

      I miss you, too. : )
