Sunday, January 7, 2018


This past weekend I was able to be reunited with most of my camp staff friends from this summer. I had been missing them for months, and it was so great to be together and, as Kelly said, "Pick up where we left off." We were able to reminisce about old stories and summer inside jokes. I also got to hike up Long Arm, one of my favorite things to do last summer.

Soon after I got to camp on Friday afternoon, I went down to the lake. It was frozen all the way across! That might be normal for Minnesota but not North Carolina. 

We didn't stay in our basement, but we still had a great time. Here is Jae, Jessica, Rebecca, and Kelly. 

Carson, probably one of the craziest boys I know, brought this little unicycle. 

On Saturday morning, I went for a cold hike up Long Arm. Later I heard that it was about 7 degrees; I didn't know it was that cold. 

It was beautiful but chilly. 

The Uwharie Mountains and the surrounding country. 

Later we went roller skating. I had a blast. 

It's hard to tell, but there are people in this picture. 

I saw this beautiful hawk near our cabin. 

We did hang out in our basement before leaving and had a good couch talk. 

My hummingbirds: Jesse, Kelly, Becca, me, Jae, and Jessica. Sadly, my prayer buddy, Kaleigh, didn't make it. We missed you, Kaleigh!
I love you, Friends!



  1. I love the sweet connections you made last summer!
