Friday, March 25, 2022

Mental Health

Wo, is me. 

This is super random, but why does everyone seem to have some kind of mental health issue these days? Maybe I'm a bit insensitive, but I'm slightly annoyed. I'm also not sure what to believe about mental sickness because anyone can say they're depressed or anxious and then turn it into an actual medical condition. 

Being a blogger, I tend to check out various other blogs on the internet. I have found over and over again that these other bloggers have mental problems. It got me to wondering why this is so normal these days. I used to have more sympathy because I thought people were actually diagnosed with real diseases and such. Now, however, I just get suspicious. 

I have several thoughts on the issue, but the one that just got me is that we have too much time to think about ourselves. Too much time to mull over every single little mole hill that we can turn into a mountain. I have a headache? Oh, no: I suffer from severe migraines that put me down for days. 

Now, I want to acknowledge that there are actual health problems out there that really do cripple people for days. I know people with these sufferings, and I don't take it lightly. However, if you're going to tell me you deal with anxiety, I'm gonna say, "Me, too." Who doesn't? 

I think we have become so selfish and self-centered. I know this to be true because I have experienced some dark days that were more or less my fault. Also, the parts that were affected by outside things still did not give me an excuse to stop everything and decide I was mentally ill. I still had to go on with life. Everyone goes through seasons of depression, but that doesn't permit you to get a doctor's letter and quit working because you are "ill." Let's face it, folks, this earth is not a perfect place. Because of sin, everything has been marred, including the state of your mental health. But that doesn't make you super special and exempt from living life. 

So, maybe we could all stand to quite thinking so much about our own petty problems. Call a hurting friend, write a letter to a lonely person, clean the house, love your family, volunteer somewhere, get a job,  look at the sky, smell the flowers. You get the idea. We're surrounded by a life worth living. Why waste it on our own selfish problems?

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."  ~Philippians 2:3

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."                        ~Mark 8:34

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