Friday, March 25, 2022

I LIKE My Husband

Yep. I really like him. 

It's great to love people. It's great to love your spouse, but do you like him or her? Do you get super happy when they walk in the door? Is that person your best friend for life?

I remember the first time hearing this concept of liking ones spouse. I always thought you should love your husband or wife, but it had never really dawned on me that someone could love their spouse but not like them too much. One guy was raving about his wife, and he said, "I like her. I love her, but I really like her." 

I've also heard the opposite. Jacob has told me about some of his coworkers who say they love their wives but don't like them. It's pretty sad. It's as if they've decided to stay married because they don't want to divorce, but instead of thriving in their marriage, they're just dealing with it. That actually leads me to a whole other topic: the importance of being a good wife. But anyway, I'll get to that later. 

Right now Jacob is working hard for our little family. I appreciate that about him: he really works hard. Right now I am also thinking about later this afternoon when I get a phone call from my best friend telling me he's done with work. I get really excited about that phone call because that means I can stop whatever I'm doing, jump in the old Camry, and go pick him up from the warehouse. You see, Jacob and I really like each other. We like to be together, hang out together, serve at church together, tease each other, play games with each other, pray together, sit and read our Bibles in the morning together. We're really good friends. 

And, just in case you're wondering, best friends don't always agree. We had arguments before we were even dating. Sometimes we just don't get each other. Sometimes I'm a real grumpy pants. But, the cool thing about being such good friends is that we don't give up on each other. We are learning a lot about patience, forgiveness, and grace. 

Obviously, I am no expert on the subject (I've only been married for 5 months, for crying out loud), but I'm already learning about the importance of really liking your spouse. If you've been married for a long time, maybe this is harder to do. I'm sure your love for that person has grown much deeper over the years, but when was the last time you thought about something you really like about him or her? Think about it, just one thing to start with. 

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