Thursday, February 17, 2022

I Want Kittens

I just woke up from my morning nap.

Hi, I'm Elisabeth. I'm 24 and I take morning naps. 

Anyway, during that nap, I had a dream. I was at my parents' house, and the cats were hollering at the door. Lydia said, "Just let them in. They always come in now."

Being the big sister police that I am, I ran to the door and opened it just a crack to NOT let those cats in. However, apparently, Lydia was right. the two adorable little kittens squirmed their way into the house, and I picked them both up and started snuggling them. They were so adorable. More adorable than they actually are. They were so soft and snuggly. Maybe I was snuggling my sheets and blankets. They even talked, which I thought was so cool...until I woke up and thought it was creepy. 

Moral of the story: I want kittens! Please, dear. 

Nope. Sorry, no kittens for you. 

OK, whatever. 



  1. That sounds like something I would say in real life. And the part about them talking isn't entirely false, only we just can't understand them. They talk to each other a lot.
    The pic at the end is adorable!!!!!!!!!!
