Saturday, May 29, 2021

Random Little Things

So, yeah, Baxter and I just don't do as much together as we used to. Maybe it's because I have Jacob now, but whatever the case, I have neglected my old friend. It's no matter. I really don't care if I take pictures or I don't. Sometimes I guess I'm more for just living life than picturing life. Of course, I've really just kind of stopped taking pictures of people almost all together. Point is, I used to like to make a lot of picture posts, but the older I get, the more boring I get, I guess. I don't actually think that's true, but maybe blog-wise, I don't really care as much as I used to. So, anyway, I actually do have a few pictures today of a few random things that you probably don't even care about. 

So, yeah. Enjoy. 

So, first, we got this little dolphin that turned out pretty badly. I painted it for a couple of friends who just got married. I feel bad for several young couples who have been cursed with my bad art. Oh, well. Nobody is gonna make them keep this thing. 

Now, these cards I am actually kind of proud of. I made them for Mom as a Mother's day gift, and I thought they were pretty cool. Maybe I should just stay away from paint, aye?

The sunrise one time when I went for a morning walk. 

Miko looking longingly at the door. 

So, one of the big things that happened this month was that I bought a car. I actually bought it from my parents, but it still felt like a big accomplishment to me. I have really grown attached to Cousin White. I took this picture right after I gave him a shower. 

Another card I made for someone. Who knows? It looks green; that's just because of the green reflection from the leaves outside. 

Peace out!
Good night!


  1. Yeah, the cards you gave to mom are really nice, but the dolphin is cool too. The sunrise is dope.
