Thursday, February 18, 2021

Things I Don't Love About the South

Ice storms.

Currently, it is raining, but when the rain hits the trees, it turns into ice. If it keeps building up long enough, the ice will weigh very heavily on the trees. Limbs break and trees fall...on powerlines. The power goes out. The toilets don't flush. You can't wash your hands. This is why we should have built our well with the option of a hand pump in times of need. 

I'm sure it's not that big of a deal, but I don't like it too much. Sometimes trees fall in very unfortunate places and we get trapped. Not super fun.

I guess it's kind of pretty though. 


  1. Like when a tree falls on the powerline across the road so three families can't get out and you can't even cut the tree because of the live wire
