Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Back Yard

It has come to my attention that I never finished this post of our yard slowly transforming. This was our first home in Kentucky. There were a lot of problems, but these pictures bring back good memories. I still miss having a yard of my own. 

November, right after moving in. 

We discovered a bunch of patio. 

I miss the trees, especially the big oak in the back corner. 

Clearing out the debris. 

Clearing out the trees. : (

A new fence coming soon.


I tried to fix up the yard and get grass to grow because the workers didn't, even though they said they would. Can you see the little patch of grass there behind us?

April. They finally planted grass. 

And the grass grew.

And grew.

My plants grew, too. 

The bean and cucumber plants took over the fence. 

And it looks like that's it. I hope you enjoyed that. I am also going to finish the front yard post I have. 

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