Friday, December 3, 2021

My Hero

My hero knew how to laugh in pain and suffering. I've been having it rough lately because I'm pregnant!
Yep. Pretty exciting, but I've been pretty sick. Sometimes it's really hard to be happy when I feel so gross. However, I often think of my hero, Micah, who felt so bad so often for 4 years of his life. He still joked, laughed, and had fun. Not always, of course. Even he had really bad days, but I look at this picture and notice his yellow skin, his scrawny legs, his vibrator, and...his smile. I want to learn from his example and be more excited about life even when I feel like a dump. 


  1. I often think of Micah's good attitude and not complaining even though he suffered so much. Such a great example! God's grace got him through hard times and God's grace will get you through too.

    1. Thanks. I know He will. I just need the reminder sometimes.
