Sunday, September 22, 2024

So Many Random Things I Never Got Around to Posting

I have a lot of pictures piling up that I've meant to post. It's Sunday afternoon. Jacob went fishing with his work friend, so I'm sitting here all by my lonesome while the kids nap. Of course, I love the peace, but I do miss Jacob. Anyway, I have some salted caramel black tea, a candle burning, and I'm listening to Twenty One Pilots. I've really grown to love their music. I didn't used to like them as much because their songs didn't make a lot of sense. Some of them still don't, but I've realized they have a much deeper meaning than a lot of music these days. All of that along with the cloudy mood outside, I feel a little nostolgic. Yep. That's that. Hope you enjoy these pictures. 

A chestnut...

Has an extremely spikey shell that is very painful to step on when barefoot. Don't ask me how I know. 

I love this little fellow's smile. I love watching babies' smiles change as they grow teeth.

I made another little zinna bouquet for a friend. 

There are some lovely old houses in the neighborhoods surrounding our campus. I love going on walks and looking at them. 

I always think Taliya looks so goofy wearing our shoes. 

I painted another mug. It's very simple, but I like it. 

Trying to remind myself to not give up.

A little bitty jungle on our balcony.

Taliya and all the babies having a nap. 

Fun and games one evening in the big yard. 

The shadow of my wild bucket garden. I thought it looked beautiful.

Tea on the balcony.

Who else is feeling sleepy? Sundays just have a special way of doing that, don't they?



  1. Good photos of random things. Isn't the campus beautiful?
    The first time I visited the campus what I remember loving the most were all the mothers and children gathered on the green. And the families that would come out later.

    1. Yes, it is certainly a cheerful place.
