Saturday, February 15, 2025

Warm Days of Early February

February started off quite warm compared to the freezing days of January. Of course, that didn't last and it's cold again. But we sure did enjoy those warmer days. I can't wait until spring.

An evening walk from the library. All I needed was a sweatshirt.

The kids enjoying the warm sunshine on the balcony.

I love living by the railroad. One afternoon I was very close to this moving train. It was very invigorating, if not a tad bit scary. 

All of the snow in January did stay for an entire month. I've never experienced something like that since Minneapolis. 

Signs of spring. 

I was overjoyed to find these small flowers. 

A simple stained glass style picture. 



  1. I cleaned out some of my flowers beds on those warmer days. I even went to the garden and picked kale and Swiss chard to bring inside to cook. Yum! Love your photos. The stained glass drawing is creative. Blessings!

    1. I wish the warmth had stayed around. This winter is too long and cold for me.
